Saturday, September 3, 2011

20 Minute JP Run

Since I'm farming Justice Points for my toons now (none of whom have really been made Raid Ready yet), getting a fast run here and there has been my goal.

One of my tank buddies was free so my son grabbed his healer (pushing hard to get to 85 before he leaves for college Sunday) and we queued RDF.

Vortex Pinnacle is not one of my favorite dungeons but when it popped our tank said "let's try to knock this out quick". I grabbed the stopwatch, hit start and said "go".

We were off and running--literally. The tank went on a dead sprint. He chain pulled every group. Before we could burn down one set of trash he was off to the next set. We stopped only twice in the whole instance--both times to rez a fallen comrade. Never once did Chavon have to stop for mana. Pro heals from my boy!

Result? A 20:37 run.

You might have had a faster run. Please tell us about it if you have. Definitely, this was a record for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... Gevlon over at the greedy goblin may have posted something about this one or maybe it was another... Back when he was pushing for server first lvl 25 there was an instance to run fast at the time for guild XP... it could do the same for JP...

    I have often found myself when valor capping in dungeons to go do regular heroics... On my 5/7 FL tank that is three seventy something ilvl I can chain pull like stupid and over come most of the mechanics w/ tarded healers and DPS... If we wipe, quick simple list of 3 these 3 things... reap good stuff.

    In ZG, last boss, 1. Its dont stand in white circles 2. kill black adds 3. stand next to chains w/ shields (the dome over it).. usually the rest can pull it off... as long as they do their part.. I was shocked the other day in there... success on that fight and the HIGHEST DPS was 7900... I was heal/dpsing on my atonement priest... for 3900..
